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Investing your pension savings: DC investment guide

A guide to your investment choices, and what to think about when investing your ITV pension savings.

For information about the ITV Pension Scheme and the benefits it provides, please contact ITV Pensions on 01772 884488


Nomination form

Use this to tell us who you’d like to receive benefits if you die. Remember to keep your nominations up-to-date.

Changing your investments form

Use this to change how your pension savings are invested.

Change of information form

Use this to let us know if any of your details have changed or if any of the information we hold about you is incorrect.

Changing your target retirement age

Use this form to change your target retirement age.

Privacy notice and Trustee documents

Privacy notice

How the Trustees handle, process and share the personal information you provide.

Chair's statement and Statement of Investment Principles

This explains how the Scheme meets its legal requirements in a number of key areas, and the Scheme's investment policy.

Implementation statement

An assessment of how the Trustee has put its investment principles into practice.