The Web Accessibility Initiative states that people with disabilities should not only be able to use the Internet but perceive, understand, navigate, interact, and contribute to it.
This site has been built to be as flexible as possible to give all users choice in how they prefer to use the site. A summary of the steps we have taken to make this site accessible is provided below for your information.
Pages on this site use structured semantic mark up. This means it is designed to make sense without any visual styles applied (for example, colours, fonts etc).
Text size can be changed to suit user preferences.
The site is designed to display consistently using a window size of 1024 x 768, irrespective of text size. Most pages will display cogently at much narrower window sizes although some of the visual layout may degrade.
Pages on this site are designed to conform to ‘WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) A’ requirements for web accessibility produced by the World Wide Web Consortium. The extent to which this is achieved involves an element of subjective assessment.
Some information is provided on this site using PDF documents. PDF documents can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader; you may wish to download the current version.
Where appropriate, links on this site have title attributes to describe the link in further detail. Links may not make sense out of context although this has been avoided where possible. Links to files that use external software (for example PDF and Word documents) will open in a new window. Links to other web pages do not open in new windows unless otherwise indicated.
All content images use ALT attributes to add descriptive information. Images used for styling purposes use empty ALT attributes.
The visual design of the site is achieved using CSS (Cascading Stylesheets). If your browser does not support this technology, the information will still be readable although the visual experience will be limited.